

Bael Fruit Murabba

Bael Fruit Murabba (Belgiri Ka Murabba)

  • بیلگری کا مربہ

  • Help Reduce Thirst And Excessive Heat Of The Body
  • Help Cure Skin Problems
  • Prevents Cholesterol
  • Effective in the management of arthritis
  • Anti-Cancer Properties
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Bael Fruit is hard, woody and smooth with sweet flesh inside that can be consumed fresh or dried. Bael fruit, also known as wood apple, contains protein, beta-carotene, vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin C. Bael fruit is spherical in shape like a baseball. The bael fruit can certainly consumed raw or even cooked.

Bael Fruit murabba prepared from the pulp of bael fruit has an array of health benefits. Due to the presence of acerbic and acrid juice in it, bel offers many benefits if consumed in half-raw state in the form of murabba.

Health Benefits Of Bael Fruit Murabba:

  • Bael fruit murabba is an ayurvedic and Unani medicine and Indian recipe used for treatment of abdominal diseases.

  • It is beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis and stomach ulcers. It is also used for treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia and liver disorders. It is a good heart and brain tonic.

  • It offers anti-inflammatory benefits to the body and reduces inflammation in the joints. You can get rid of gout and inflammation with the consumption of murabba.

  • Several studies have been conducted to highlight the anticancer effects of bael. Bael fruit has unique components that comprise anti-cancer properties. Studies show that bael murabba can inhibit the growth of tumor and cancer cells.

  • Bael murabba brings down the risk of heart attack by preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. It is rich in fiber and helps reducing cholesterol levels of the blood.

  • Liver cirrhosis is the medical condition caused by the consumption of alcohol. Bael murabba treats the adverse effects of alcohol and maintains the health of liver.

  • The murabba can help reduce thirst and excessive heat of the body, which might in other cases result in acne and mouth ulcers.

  • Consuming bael murabba can help cure skin problems such as Urticaria. You can manage skin rashes, white patches or vitiligo, skin redness and itching problem. It also tones up the skin to cure wrinkles and acne.

  • Eating bael murabba in the morning on empty stomach provides great relief from morning sickness during pregnancy.

  • Bel murabba is a rich source of iron that has the great capacity of balancing hemoglobin count in pregnant mother during pregnancy and prevents her from iron deficiency disease like anemia.


The dosage of Bael Murabba is 10 grams to 25 grams.

The dosage of Bael Murabba should not exceed from 50 grams per day. If you are diabetic patient, then you should avoid taking the Bael Murabba.
There are two options of murabba 
i)- With Syrup , it means the syrup weight included in product quantity equally.
ii)- Without Syrup , it also has a little bit syrup but less in quantity the product quantity  is more and syrup quantity is less because any type of murabba is made with sugar syrup and without the syrup product rotten fastly.
All of Murabbas made with sugar and fresh and premium quality procedure and 100 percent organic and chemical and preservative free hygienically.

The information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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  • Hdate
    Hassan.R.ZVerified Buyer
    Great Product
    Great product for Knee pain and abdominal diseases.
    Aug 10, 2023 19:29:00